Organizational Strategy
An organization’s ability to fulfill their mission and operate effectively is dependent on sound business practices, an organizational structure with clear lines of authority, well-defined roles, effective policies and procedures and an engaged and talented workforce. HCi Advisory Group provides customized strategies and solutions which includes a solid organizational structure, performance standards and goals, standard operating procedures, metrics and reporting capabilities, and staff buy-in and engagement. Together, these promote an organization-wide understanding of the strategic goals and each individual’s role in contributing to its success.
Change Management
Change is the one constant in today’s work environment. We assist organizations in managing change effectively by developing and implementing plans and strategies that help employees adapt to new goals, processes, or technologies—and make valuable contributions to the organization’s successful transitions.
Standard Operating Procedures
Identifying best practices and procedures and implementing them across an organization helps support a capable and efficient workforce which contributes to meeting organizational goals. We assist in this effort by codifying industry best practices and relevant institutional knowledge to help organizations excel and specifically to assist managers in staff supervision and training, reduce operational risks and increase compliance.
Process Design and Improvement
Top-performing organizations are never content with the status quo. They constantly search for ways to enhance performance and increase productivity. Our advisors have a proven track record of helping organizations improve existing processes or design new ones to optimize service delivery.

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